Construction Phase Plans

One of the biggest issues with health and safety policy is turning it into a demonstrable way of working in which employees, visitors, contractors and business partners can understand and participate in.

As experts in health and safety, we can help you 'put your policy on the ground' by developing a plan with you that makes policy into a way of working and allows you to audit and record the effectiveness. A plan can relate to everyday activities or may be written specifically for a project or one-off piece of work.

Health and safety plans range in detail, based on your working environment and as with risk assessments, there are common themes or ways of working that can be easily and readily adopted e.g. in offices and warehouses where the tasks,and therefore the risks, are relatively similar every day.

Whilst your health and safety policy is a statement of intent, your plan should be a living breathing guide that is used, updated and referred to regularly. Using our 7-stages of CDM programme, clients can benefit from up-to-date progress reports from their computer, phone, or tablet.

If you need professional advice from experienced consultants regarding health and safety in your business, please contact us today.

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