Directors Role in Health and Safety (DRHS)

Introducing the Directors Role for Health and Safety Course.
This course is delivered in our Conference Room, delegates and trainer meeting around the Directors' Table to discuss and bring their ideas on how to successfully promote and maintain a positive organisational culture for health and safety into their organisation.

Aims of the Course.
The course aims to help directors to:

- Recognise the moral, economic and legal costs/implications of decisions made in the boardroom that are likely to impact the operational activities, which in turn, may result in non-compliance.
- Understand the significance of strategic management of risks to the organisation.
- Appreciate the consequences from failing to manage health and safety effectively.
- Understand the importance of competent duty holders, and the significance of their co-operation, communication and co-ordination of health and safety in their undertaking.
- Recognise the need to appoint competent health and safety assistance, and the limitations of such an appointment.
- Identify the basic tools to introduce a proactive health and safety culture into an organisation, and the benefits of this approach.

Who Should Attend the Course?
The course has been designed for those Directors and Senior Managers who make strategic health and safety management decisions in the built environment.

There are Pre-requisites for this Course.
Those who wish to attend this Course should have a working knowledge of the following legislation:
- Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
- Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969
- Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) 2015
- Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Does the delegate have to pass a free on-line examination to be able to join the Course?
CITB now requires all persons attending the Directors Role for Health and Safety Course to pass a free on-line examination. 
Contact our trainer, John Lawrence on 07921 910381, for details.

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